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CVector -- ANSI C API for Dynamic Arrays

Release 1.0.3
7 July 2009
© 2008, 2009 Herbert J. Bernstein

You may distribute the CVector API under the LGPL

CVector is an ANSI C implementation of dynamic arrays to provide a crude approximation to the C++ vector class.

This release is a minor revision of release 1.0.0 of 8 January 2009 to update the Makefile for builds under MINGW, on 26 February 2009 to add the macro CVectorElementAt, and on 7 July 2009 to change the macro to CVECTOR_FAR and similarly change the macros that handle memmove and memset. There are no changes to the code. The internal copy of libtool has been removed.


The CVector package is available at A source tarball is available at Later tarballs may be available.

When the source tarball is dowloaded and unpacked, you should have a directory CVector-1.0.3. To see the current settings for a build execute


which should give the following information:

PLEASE READ README_CVector.txt and lgpl.txt
 Before making the CVector library and example programs, check
 that the chosen settings are corr
 The current compile command is:
   libtool --mode=compile gcc -g -O2  -Wall -ansi -pedantic -I.  -c
 The current library link command is:
   libtool --mode=link  gcc -version-info 1:0:1 -release 1.0.2 -rpath /usr/local/lib
 The current library local, dynamic and static build commands are:
   libtool --mode=link gcc -g -O2  -Wall -ansi -pedantic -I.
   libtool --mode=link gcc -g -O2  -Wall -ansi -pedantic -shared -I /usr/local/include
   libtool --mode=link gcc -g -O2  -Wall -ansi -pedantic -static -I /usr/local/include
 Before installing the CVector library and example programs, check
 that the install directory and install commands are correct:
 The current values are :
   libtool --mode=install cp 
 To compile the CVector library and example programs type:
   make clean
   make all
 To run a set of tests type:
   make tests
 To clean up the directories type:
   make clean
 To install the library and binaries type:
   make install

If these settings need to be changed, edit Makefile. On some systems, e.g. Mac OS X, the default libtool is not appropriate. In that case you should install a recent version of libtool. The CVector kit has been tested with libtool versions 1.3.5, 1.5.4 and 2.2.6. If the system libtool is not to be used, define the variable LIBTOOL to be the path to the libtool executable, e.g. in bash. On MINGW, use of gcc 4 and libtool 2.2.6 are highly recommended.

export LIBTOOL=$HOME/bin/libtool

of in the Makefie

LIBTOOL = $(HOME)/bin/libtool

If you need to include local header files using #include "..." instead of #include <...>, define the variable USE_LOCAL_HEADERS


#include <CVector.h>

CVectorCreate(CVectorHandle * vectorhandle, const size_t elementsize, const size_t capacity);

CVectorAddElement(const CVectorHandle vectorhandle, const void * element);

void *
CVectorElementAt(const CVectorHandle vectorhandle, const size_t index);

CVectorGetElement(const CVectorHandle vectorhandle, void * element, const size_t index);

CVectorGetElementptr(const CVectorHandle vectorhandle, void ** elementptr, const size_t index);

CVectorSetElement(const CVectorHandle vectorhandle, void * element, const size_t index);

CVectorRemoveElement(const CVectorHandle vectorhandle, const size_t index);

CVectorClear(const CVectorHandle vectorhandle);

CVectorFree(CVectorHandle * vectorhandle);

CVectorCapacity(const CVectorHandle vectorhandle);

CVectorGetCapacity(const CVectorHandle vectorhandle, size_t * capacity);

CVectorSize(const CVectorHandle vectorhandle);

CVectorGetSize(const CVectorHandle vectorhandle, size_t * size);

CVectorGetFlags(const CVectorHandle vectorhandle, int * flags);

CVectorSetCapacity(const CVectorHandle vectorhandle, const size_t capacity);

CVectorSetSize(const CVectorHandle vectorhandle, const size_t size);

CVectorSetFlags(const CVectorHandle vectorhandle, const unsigned int flags);


The CVector.h header file defines the CVectorHandle type as a dynamic array for elements in which each element uses elementsize characters in a block of memory elementsize*capacity characters long. There are size elements used in the array each with an index between 0 and size-1. CVectorCreate() is used to create the dynamic array. Elements may either be added at the end of the dynamic array using CVectorAddElement(), or in arbitrary order with CVectorSetElement(). Elements may be examined with copy semantics using CVectorGetElement() or as pointers directly into the dynamic array using CVectorGetElementptr(). The function CVectorElementAt() performs the same function as CVectorGetElementptr() for use in complex expressions, but does no error checking. Caution must be used in using pointers because expansion of the dynamic array can force relocation of all data in the dynamic array. Therefore, any use of CVectorGetElementptr() sets a flag, CVECTOR_FLAGS_NO_RELOCATION, that disables any further array relocation, which will prevent the extension of the size array beyond the capacity in effect at the time of the first CVectorGetElementptr() call. Calls to CVectorElementAt() do not set CVECTOR_FLAGS_NO_RELOCATION and returning resulting values to calling routines is dangerous. The functions CVectorGetFlags() and CVectorSetFlags() can be used to reset this flag (see Examples below). The function CVectorRemoveElement() will remove the element of the indicated index, shifting all elements of higher indices down, unless the flag CVECTOR_FLAGS_NO_RELOCATION is set. The capacity, size and flags may be examined or set with CVectorCapacity(), CVectorGetCapacity(), CVectorSize(), CVectorGetSize(), CVectorGetFlags, CVectorSetCapacity(), CVectorSetSize() and CVectorSetFlags().

External declarations as well as the CVector structure definition, and the CVectorHandle definition are included in the <CVector.h> include file. The CVector structure includes at least the following fields:

size_t size;         /* size of the vector */
size_t capacity;         /* capacity of the vector */
size_t elementsize;         /* size of an element */
void * array;         /* the array of elements */
int flags;         /* flags */

The valid flags are CVECTOR_FLAGS_NO_RELOCATION and CVECTOR_FLAGS_NO_RESIZE which may be ORed.


The functions CVectorCapacity() and CVectorSize() are implemented as macros and return the CVector capacity and size directly. While they could be used as lvalues, such use is not recommended and is not guaranteed to work in future versions of CVector. The function CVectorElementAt() is implemented as a macro and returns a void * pointer into the data array with no bounds checking. All other functions return 0 for normal completion, or the sum of one or more of the following non-zero error codes:

Error Return Numeric Value    Meaning
CVECTOR_MALLOC_FAILED    -1    /* A call to allocate memory failed */
CVECTOR_BAD_ARGUMENT    -2    /* An argument is not valid */
CVECTOR_NOT_FOUND    -4    /* An element could not be found */
CVECTOR_NO_RELOCATION    -8    /* Relocation is not permitted */
CVECTOR_NO_RESIZE    -16    /* A change is size is not permitted */


To create a vector of doubles, starting with minimal capacity, reporting failure to stderr:

        #include <CVector.h>
        CvectorHandle vectorhandle;
        if (CVectorCreate(&vectorhandle,sizeof(double),1)) fprintf(stderr," CVectorCreate failed!!\n");

To create a vector of arrays of or pointers to doubles:

        #include <CVector.h>
        CvectorHandle vectorhandle;
        if (CVectorCreate(&vectorhandle,sizeof(double *),1)) fprintf(stderr," CVectorCreate failed!!\n");

To pop the last element of a vector of doubles:

        #include <CVector.h>
        CvectorHandle vectorhandle;
        double element;
        if (CVectorGetElement(vectorhandle, &element, (CVectorSize(vectorhandle)-1)) 
            fprintf(stderr," Failed CVectorGetElement);
        if (CVectorRemoveElement(vectorhandle,  (CVectorSize(vectorhandle)-1)) 
            fprintf(stderr," Failed CVectorRemoveElement);

See the test program CVectorBasicTest.c

Updated 8 July 2009